Welcome David, Kellen, Michael !

2008/06/09 · · 投稿者 Greg Lloyd

With the release of Traction TeamPage 4.0 it's been a busy week! I'd like to take time out to welcome three new Traction Software employees:

David Parker, Principal Software Engineer David brings 20 years of database design and software engineering experience to the Traction team. He is an avid competitive chess player, and has a BA in English from Yale.

Kellen Roach, Sales Kellen joins Traction Software sales team working from our DC / Virginia Sales Office. Kellen has a BS from the State University of New York at Courtland.

Michael Angeles, Director of User Experience Michael has been providing simple, usable and elegant solutions to information seeking problems since 1995. In various positions, he designed projects ranging from enterprise digital libraries to online communities and social software. Michael formerly headed information architecture at Lucent Technologies and at Sling Media's Entertainment Group. He holds a BA in Art History (1993), and an MLS in Library and Information Science (1998), both from Rutgers University.

Michael's long-time personal blog is urlgreyhot, and well worth reading. In a recent post, Michael says:

One of the best things about working at Traction is that the team lives and breathes because of the product—every process is conducted through the software we sell. It's not a matter of eating your own dog food, it's a matter of creating the tool that lets you work the way you want to work.

He starts a series of screencasts on his deep dive into Traction Teampage with Mounting Traction Shared Folders on Mac with Quicksilver.